Monday 17 September 2012


           Eric Kwetey

Bearing the great torch of leadership, has been my vision ever since I started knowing a little about this world. I believe in leadership, and as a matter of fact, effective leadership. I believe leadership is one of the greatest and strongest vehicles that is constantly driving the world to where it is heading today. When I was a kid, I always strived to understand what true leadership means and how important it is in our daily discourse. I was enlightened through wonderful speeches and publications by renowned leaders, which gave me vivid elucidation on the whole idea of effective leadership.
I believe in Jesus Christ as the greatest leader of all times and I see Him as my greatest role model. I believe in myself and I also believe in other people's potentials and abilities. With a careful combination of my personal experience and other people's experience, I am gradually taking optimistic steps to embrace what the Lord has destined for me in my pursuit for greater heights in global Leadership discourse.

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