Wednesday 19 September 2012



"A man who won't die for something is not fit to live"  - Martin Luther King, Jr.

 What do you have to die for? Do you have a vision? Is that vision worth dieing for?
A leader is a person with great vision and who is prepared to pursue that vision irrespective of the resources available at a point in time. The difference between a leader and an ordinary man is the absence of vision and readiness to pursue a course with no respect to one's current resources.
Great men who exhibited great leadership characteristics and qualities spearheaded every vision they had and they worked indefatigably in spite of looming dangers, marring and maligning by people who do not support their vision.
The greater your vision, the greater the challenges you are likely to face as you strive to reach your vision. Great men such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela and other great leaders in the history of the world never attained the status of great leaders on a silver platter. They travailed through the thick and thin, and all the criticisms that were allayed at them for no other reason than to discourage them from pursuing their vision. 
As a leader, you must be prepared to face criticisms of all nature. Disagreements will set in and other dream killers will also come your way, but with persistence and determination to achieve a course ahead, you will victoriously reach the final destination of one stage of your leadership pursuit.

Eric Kwetey

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